As you’re thinking about what to get your mother for Mother’s Day, you might be interested in some of the Mother’s Day messages Name A Star Live customers have included on their Star Certificates. Below are some of the best messages we’ve received. Of course, we’ve changed the names in the messages to protect the privacy of our customers. We hope these examples will give you some ideas about what to write for your mom.
Have a happy Mother’s Day!
- Thank you for being the star of my life!
- To my mommy, I love you to the moon and back.
- Your wisdom and knowledge have shown us the way, and we are thankful for you as we live day by day. We don’t tell you enough how important you are, in our universe you’re a bright shining star.
- Happy Mother’s Day, Alice! I love you and I can’t wait to meet our son!
- The Mother’s Day star will always be in the sky for you – Happy Mother’s Day. Thanks for loving us, no matter what. The Mother’s Day star never fades
- As the stars in the sky are countless, so too are the ways you’ve helped me, encouraged me, and showed me your love. Happy Mother’s Day! I love you!
- For my amazing mother who loves unconditionally, and gives wholeheartedly. I love her with all of my heart, and all of my soul.
- A star is like a mother’s love, bright, beautiful, warm and everlasting; your star will shine forever in the far above, for you deserve the light it will always be casting.
- To the best mum in the world, you really are a star. We will always love you!
- Happy Mothers Day!!! I am so proud to be your son, you are such an amazing woman and I am truly thankful for everything you are and do. You are my hero, best friend and an amazing mother.
Name a star for your mother this Mother’s Day!